
How to Choose the Right Irrigation Company

Is your lawn looking a little dull and dried out? Hiring an irrigation company is a great way to get your yard thriving again. According to the National Irrigation Council, in around 6,000 B.C., irrigation practices were first developed in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Since then, irrigation professionals have worked hard to develop even greater technology. But with so many options, how do you choose the right irrigation company for your needs? Follow this guide to pick a pro who will do an amazing job bringing your landscape back to life.

Do Your Research

Don’t just go with the first irrigation company you find online or in the phone book. Do some research to understand your options. Search for irrigation companies in your area and browse their websites. Check out reviews on sites like Yelp to see what previous customers have said. Are the majority of reviews glowing? Or do they reveal some red flags to watch out for? A little research will help you identify the most reputable companies to consider.

Understand Their Specialties

Not all irrigation companies are the same. Some specialize in residential yard irrigation while others focus on large commercial properties. Make sure to find a company that is experienced with projects similar to yours. If you have a large yard or complex landscaping needs, choose a company used to handling bigger irrigation jobs. Or for a small yard, go with one that knows simple residential systems inside out. Choose a company that aligns with your specific project.

Ask About Their Process

A quality irrigation company will have a streamlined process for installations and repairs. When you contact a company, ask step-by-step what their process looks like. Do they offer site evaluations and quotes? How long will the job take? What kind of follow-up and maintenance do they provide? A systematic approach shows a company that is organized, professional, and thorough.


Choosing the right irrigation company takes a bit of effort upfront. But once you find the perfect fit, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your yard will get the high-quality irrigation it deserves. With lusher grass and greener gardens, you’ll be so glad you did your homework to identify the ideal professionals for your needs. If you’re looking to hire an irrigation company for your yard, reach out to Monsoon Irrigation today for an estimate.


3 Signs Your Irrigation System Needs Repairs

You rely on your irrigation system to keep your landscaping healthy and beautiful. But after months or years of use, even the most robust irrigation systems can start to show signs of needing repairs. Keep an eye out for these three telling indicators that your irrigation system needs some TLC from a professional irrigation company.

1. Water Pressure Issues

Has the water pressure from your irrigation system noticeably decreased recently? Over time, buildup in valves and spray heads can restrict water flow, resulting in inadequate water coverage. Low pressure leads to dry spots and uneven watering that leaves plants stressed. A professional irrigation tech can clean or replace worn valves and spray heads to restore full pressure and coverage to your system. Don’t let low pressure create weak links in your irrigation system.

2. Misaligned or Tilting Heads

Do you notice spray heads and rotors that are no longer aligned perpendicular to the ground? Misalignments like this make it impossible for water to be distributed evenly. As the edges of your lawn or landscape beds get overwatered, other areas won’t get enough. Tree roots and repetitive freeze/thaw cycles can gradually shift sprinkler heads out of position. Having a pro re-angle and secure loose commercial irrigation components means you’ll avoid wasting water.

3. Leaky Valves

Check around valves for soggy soil or visible water leaks, which likely indicate worn washers or valve seals. Even small leaks can result in thousands of gallons of wasted water over a season. That’s money out of your pocket plus potential damage if leaks are left unresolved. Replacing a few inexpensive valve parts now prevents more headaches down the road. In addition to higher water bills, leaky valves can also contribute to fungal issues in the soil from too much moisture, damaging plants. Left unfixed over years, chronic small leaks can also damage building foundations and pavement due to excessive soil saturation.

Addressing problems promptly keeps your landscape thriving through every season. Pay attention to these key signs, so you know when it’s time to request professional repairs for your irrigation system. Don’t leave your lawn and plants’ health up to chance – after all, it’s a tried-and-true method. In fact, irrigation was first used around 6000 B.C., according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

If you need help with residential or commercial irrigation systems, Monsoon Irrigation can help. Reach out to us today to learn more. We look forward to working with you!


The Importance of Having an Irrigation System

Deciding whether or not you need an irrigation system for your lawn and garden is an important decision. An irrigation company can help guide you in determining if installing a system is right for your outdoor space. Here are some top reasons why investing in an irrigation system from an irrigation company might be beneficial for your home.

Saving Time and Effort on Watering

Manually watering your lawn and outdoor plants can be extremely time-consuming. Depending on the size of your yard, irrigation may be required either on a daily basis or every few days, especially during hot and dry conditions. An irrigation system allows you to customize a watering schedule that provides your landscaping and garden with just the right amount of hydration at the ideal times. With an automatic system handling this task, you’ll save hours of your precious personal time not having to drag hoses and sprinklers around the yard.

Promoting Healthier Grass and Plants

It can be tricky to evenly water all areas of your yard when you hand water with sprinklers and hoses. Some spots inevitably get missed or underwatered. The customized spray pattern of an irrigation system delivers an equal distribution of water across all of your landscaping. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, in 2018, farmers irrigated 51.5 million acres of harvested cropland acres in the open. The consistency in moisture levels prevents dry, crispy grass and wilting plants. Areas that tend to get overwatered with standard sprinklers also benefit from better coverage. Healthier greenery with fewer dead patches results when you automate the watering process.

Customization Options for Your Unique Space

Every home landscape has its own unique size, shape, and arrangement of plants. The flexibility of an irrigation system allows the irrigation company to customize the equipment design specifically for your yard’s parameters. Options like spray distance, rotation degree and speed, and zone dividing provide precise hydration without water waste from overspray. Smart high-efficiency systems can even automatically adjust watering times based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels monitored by sensors. Any future additions or changes you make to gardens and landscaping can also be integrated into your existing system.

Efficient watering brings healthier plants while also conserving this precious natural resource. Irrigation systems apply water right at the soil level rather than spraying midair where some moisture evaporates before reaching the ground. Proper timing controlled by an irrigation company also ensures less runoff from applying too much water at once. If you’re ready to learn more about installing a home irrigation system, reach out to Monsoon Irrigation. If you have any questions please call us or fill out a form on our website today!


How to Choose the Right Irrigation System

If you want your gardens, flowerbeds, or other green spaces to thrive, proper irrigation can go a long way. With the right residential irrigation system, you can ensure that plants are getting as much water as they need. This will help them thrive even, if the local climate would be otherwise inhospitable. That said, you might not know which irrigation system you should get, so let’s take a closer look at some key considerations.

What Are You Growing?

One of the most important factors to consider is what type of plants you are growing. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, wheat, soybeans, and cotton have combined 219 to 242 million acres since 1990. Some of these plants may thrive with a drip irrigation system, while others may fail. Water needs for plants can vary widely, so when selecting a residential irrigation system, you should first look at the needs of the plants to be watered.

What Does the Local Soil Look Like?

Whether for commercial or residential purposes, soil is another crucial factor when it comes to setting up an irrigation system. If the soil is hard, dense, and resistant to soaking up water, sprinkler irrigation systems might not be as effective. The water may fail to penetrate the soil before it evaporates or runs off.

How Can Local Topography Effect Irrigation?

Watering hills and inclines is especially difficult because water may run off before it’s soaked up by the ground or plants. In such situations, misting irrigation systems, which deliver water straight to leaves, may prove more effective than a drip hose or sprinkler. Of course, some plants don’t do well with misting systems because their leaves may not soak up water.

What Does the Weather Look Like?

One thing that is easy to overlook is local wind patterns. If you live in a windy area, sprinkler systems are often less effective because the wind will blow airborne water away. This could leave plants deprived of water. In such environments, a drip hose may work better as far as residential irrigation is concerned.

Likewise, if you live in a hot, dry climate, evaporation is going to be a serious challenge. This is especially true if you try to set up a sprinkler system. The sun may cook away water before it can soak into the ground.

As you can see, there are many different factors that must be considered when setting up a residential irrigation system. Further, the above considerations are not exhaustive. Should you need further help choosing an irrigation system, get in touch with Monsoon Irrigation by filling out a form or calling.


Helpful Advice on Irrigation Repairs

According to the National Irrigation Council, irrigation is a process of artificially applying water to land for the purpose of agricultural production. Irrigation systems offer many benefits, but when things go wrong with them, it can be frustrating, and fixing the problem may seem complicated. Thankfully, with some helpful tips, you can learn how to properly address irrigation system issues and know when to call in a professional for irrigation repair. Here’s some advice to keep your irrigation system running smoothly all season long.

Look For Simple Solutions First

Before calling a specialist for irrigation repair, see if you can spot an easy fix. Check to see if the sprinkler heads are pointed in the wrong direction or blocked by grass. Adjust or clear any obstructed spray nozzles. Examine lines for leaks and tighten any loose connections. Check the filter and clear out any debris clogging the system. Turn the water on and off to test for pressure changes that indicate leaks. Simple solutions like these will save you the cost of a service appointment.

Evaluate the Sprinkler Heads

Rotary sprinkler heads with rotating streams are prone to wear and tear over time. Check that the heads are rotating fully and evenly distributing water. Look for clogged nozzles or damaged gears. Replace any heads that aren’t rotating properly or have broken parts. For stationary spray head types, inspect the nozzles for clogs and clear any blocked holes. Replace the entire head if it won’t stop leaking. Your local irrigation professionals will have the parts you need.

Know When to Call in a Professional

Some irrigation problems require an expert’s diagnosis and repair skills. If you have leaks in underground pipes and lines, it’s best to get a pro to find and fix the buried damage. Extensive wiring issues, controller malfunctions, and mainline or valve problems also call for a licensed irrigation specialist. The cost of professional repairs is worthwhile to correctly fix bigger issues that you won’t be able to remedy on your own. Calling in an expert protects your system from further damage.

Repairing and maintaining your irrigation system doesn’t have to be intimidating. Start with simple troubleshooting like adjusting spray patterns, clearing clogs, and replacing damaged sprinkler heads. For more complex problems, it’s critical to seek professional assistance. Knowing when to tackle irrigation issues yourself and when to call in reinforcements will keep your system operating smoothly. If you’re in need of irrigation repair, call Monsoon Irrigation today to schedule an inspection of your system.


Things You Need to Know About Residential Irrigation Systems

If you’re looking for an amazing way to improve your home, then look no further than a residential irrigation system.

Tucson, AZ is a great place to live. It’s sunny, and warm, and has a thriving downtown area. But it can also get really dry and hot in the summertime—especially if you don’t have the correct type of irrigation system installed on your property.

In this blog, we’ll talk about what a residential irrigation system is, what types there are, and how they are installed.

What is a Residential Irrigation System?

Homeowners in Tucson, AZ, are often confused about what a residential irrigation system is. They know that it helps their average lawn stay beautiful, but they don’t always understand what goes into making one.

Residential irrigation systems are used to water lawns, gardens, and other plants in residential areas. They’re designed to be easy to use and maintain, so you can spend less time watering and more time doing whatever else you want!

These systems come in many different sizes and shapes; they can be as simple as a sprinkler attached to a hose or as complex as an automatic system that has rain sensors. The installed system has several parts: a pump, an underground system (which consists of a series of pipes that carry water from the pump to your garden), and sprinkler heads (that spray water onto your plants).

Main Components of an Irrigation System

  • Pipes: Flexible supply lines that connect your home’s water supply to the controller. These supply lines are typically made of PVC plastic and may be buried underground or run above ground along the side of your house.
  • Controller: This device is what turns your water on and off automatically based on preset times or sensors that measure moisture levels in the soil. The controller can be wired directly into your home’s electrical system, or it can be battery-powered if it’s installed outdoors.
  • Valves: Valves control where water flows through the pipes by opening and closing them at specific times, so you can direct where you want it to go using emitter heads (which spray water).

Types of Residential Irrigation Systems

There are many types of residential irrigation systems in Tucson, AZ. Each type is designed to serve a specific purpose, and each has its own pros and cons. It’s important to know the type of system you have in order to get the most out of it—and make sure it’s working properly.

Here are the different types of residential irrigation systems:

Sprinkler System

Sprinkler systems are also common in Tucson, AZ because they’re easy to install and maintain—which means they’re popular with homeowners who don’t want to waste water usage or save money on the water bills! A typical sprinkler system consists of pipes that lead from your home’s water main to individual sprinkler heads.

When you turn on the system, water travels through these pipes and out onto your lawn. Sprinklers don’t require much maintenance aside from checking that they’re working properly every now and then.

Drip Irrigation System

Drip irrigation systems are the most common type, and they’re also the easiest to install. They’re made up of long tubes with holes at regular intervals along their length. The tubes are connected to a drip controller that regulates the water flow released from each tube.

This kind of system is ideal for homeowners who are keen on saving money. However, it’s important not to over-water your plants because they won’t get enough oxygen if they get too much water!

Subsurface Irrigation System

Subsurface irrigation is a good choice for homeowners who want to water their lawns more efficiently depending on the soil type. It involves burying tubing beneath your lawn and running it to an outlet, which allows you to control how much water each plant gets.

This type of system can also help prevent diseases from spreading through your garden because it keeps the soil moist but not too wet!

Surface Irrigation System

Unlike subsurface irrigation, surface irrigation uses an outlet like pop-up sprinkler heads to spray water directly onto your lawn. It’s not buried beneath your lawn. Instead, it consists of a network of pipes and sprinklers that are placed above ground. This lawn sprinkler system is usually used in a larger water zone like a large yard.

Sprinkler System Installation

A lawn sprinkler system is an important part of your Tucson home’s landscaping and irrigation. A properly installed sprinkler system can ensure that your grass is always green, your flower beds are always in bloom, and your trees are always healthy.

With the right sprinkler system, you can maintain a beautiful and healthy lawn. Having a healthy lawn and garden is good for the environment and helps in conserving water.

But before you can reap these benefits, you have to do a sprinkler installation first! Whether you do a DIY sprinkler system installation or a professional installation, here is what you need to know about residential irrigation system installation.

Sprinkler System Costs

The first thing that you need to know about sprinkler system installation is how much it costs. A sprinkler system cost a lot but they can save money over time because they require less maintenance than manual watering methods such as hand watering or using a garden hose.

The Best Fit for Your Property

The second thing is what type of system is suited for your property. If you live in a residential area then a standard lawn irrigation system is more than enough; however, if you live in an area where there are lots of trees or rocky soil that may block your lawn’s water supply then a drip irrigation system may be more beneficial.

How Often Does It Need Maintenance

The third thing is how often it needs to be maintained. Lawn sprinkler systems should be checked and cleaned every two weeks during the growing season while drip irrigation systems only need to be cleaned twice a year depending on how often they’re used.

How Will It Be Powered

The fourth thing is how they are powered. Lawn sprinkler systems are either powered by electricity or by a pressure pump that uses water from your home’s main water supply line. If you have an automatic sprinkler system, it’s easier to maintain by just replacing the batteries. If your system is powered by a pressure pump then you will need to check the water pressure with the pressure gauge of the main water supply line. If there is not enough pressure, you need to adjust it by adding an extra pipe with a valve between your main water supply line and the sprinkler system. If there is too much pressure, you will need to install a pressure regulator on the pipe.

Hire Professionals to Install Your Sprinkler Systems

At Monsoon Irrigation and Landscape Lighting, we can help you find the right sprinkler system for your needs and ensure it’s a professional installation.

Our experienced technicians know exactly how to set up your system so that everything runs smoothly from start to finish. They’ll even help you choose the best products for your needs and budget!

If you’re interested in how we can help make installing your new sprinkler system easier than ever before, contact us today!


The Do’s and Don’ts of Irrigation Repairs

Irrigation repairs can be a tricky business. So many things can go wrong with an irrigation system, and it is essential to know the dos and don’ts of repairs before attempting them. Below are some tips to help you get started.

The Do’s of Irrigation Repairs

When it comes to irrigation repairs, there are a few essential things to keep in mind to protect your investment.

First and foremost, hire a reputable company with a proven track record of doing a fantastic job promptly.

Secondly, get everything in writing, including an estimated repair cost. This will protect you from any surprises down the road.

Thirdly, keep an eye on your water bill. A sudden spike can be an indication that there is a problem with your irrigation system.

And finally, don’t wait too long to make repairs. The longer you wait, the more expensive the repairs are likely to be.

However, by following these simple tips, you can keep your irrigation system in tip-top shape for years to come.

Here are more tips you need to follow:

  • Familiarize yourself with the irrigation system before attempting any repairs. This will help you to know what parts are involved and how they work together.
  • Turn off the water supply before beginning any repairs. This will prevent further damage to the system and make the repairs more accessible.
  • Have a plan and schedule for the repairs before beginning. This will help you know what parts you need and how to do the repairs. For example, you may plan to check the valve or valves, look for a leak or leaks, check the wiring, check the water pressure, and more.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when making repairs. This will ensure that the repairs are done correctly and will not void any warranty that may be in place.

The Don’ts of Repairing Your Irrigation Systems

Irrigation repair is a necessary evil. Everyone knows that you need to water grass regularly to keep it healthy.

But what happens when your sprinkler heads and sprinkler system get clogged, your pipes break, or your wires get damaged?

While trying to fix the problem yourself may be tempting, there are some potential dangers you should be aware of before you start tinkering with your irrigation system. Here are some of the “don’ts” of irrigation repair:

  • Don’t try to fix a broken pipe yourself. You could worsen the problem if you don’t know what you’re doing. You could also injure yourself in the process. Leave pipe repairs and sprinkler repair to the professionals.
  • Don’t attempt to repair a damaged wire yourself. Wiring is complicated, and you could be electrocuting yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. Again, leave this type of repair to the professionals.
  • Don’t use unauthorized parts or products in your irrigation system. This includes unregistered trademarks and knock-offs. Not only are they not likely to work as well as the real thing, but they could also void your warranty or cause other damage to your system. Regarding irrigation repair, stick with authorized parts and products from reputable brands.
  • Finally, don’t ignore a sprinkler leak. A small leak can quickly become a big problem if it’s not fixed promptly. If you notice a leak in your system, contact a professional irrigation service right away so they can fix the problem before it gets out of hand.

Following these tips can avoid common mistakes when repairing an irrigation system. You can also make the process easier and ensure the repairs are done correctly.

The Best Irrigation System

An irrigation system is a must for any lawn and garden. It saves you time and energy and provides your plants with the necessary water they need to survive and thrive.

But with so many different types of irrigation systems on the market, it can be hard to know which one is right for you.

One common issue when watering lawns or gardens is getting the water to where it needs to go without wasting any.

Traditional sprinklers spray water everywhere, including the sidewalk, street, and even your neighbor’s yard.

Not only is this a waste of water, but it can also lead to issues with mold and mildew if the area stays wet for too long.

However, a new type of irrigation system can help you water your lawn or garden more efficiently.

These systems are designed to direct the water exactly where it needs to go, and they can even be programmed to test the moisture levels in the soil before watering.

As a result, you can save water and keep your lawn or garden healthy. So if you’re looking for a better way to irrigate your property, be sure to check out this new type of system.

Here are some things to consider when choosing an irrigation system for your lawn maintenance:

1. The size of your lawn or garden: Irrigation systems come in various sizes, so it’s essential to choose one that is appropriate for the size of your lawn or garden.

2. The type of plants you have: Some irrigation systems are better suited for certain types of plants than others. Make sure to choose an irrigation system that will work well with the type of plants you have.

3. Your budget: Irrigation systems can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so it’s essential to set a budget before you start shopping.

By taking the time to consider all of the factors mentioned above, you can be sure to choose an irrigation system that will work well for you and your lawn or garden. Also, ensure that this system is installed correctly.

Pro Tip: How to Choose the Right Irrigation System for Your Home

Are Your Sprinkler System and Sprinkler Heads Up to Your Needs?

Like most people, you probably don’t give your sprinkler system much thought until there’s a problem.

But just like any other part of your home, your sprinklers need regular maintenance to function correctly. And if you neglect your system, it could end up costing you more in the long run.

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to your sprinkler system:

  • Check your sprinklers regularly for leaks or damage. Leaks can waste water and damage your lawn or garden, so fixing them as soon as possible is essential.
  • Make sure your sprinkler heads are clean and free of debris. Clogged or dirty heads can reduce the efficiency of your system and may even cause water to back up and flood your yard.
  • Inspect your sprinkler heads for wear and tear. Over time, the heads can become worn or damaged, which can cause them to spray water in the wrong direction or not at all. If you notice any damage, replace the head as soon as possible.
  • Check the rain sensor on your system to ensure it’s working correctly. The rain sensor helps conserve water by turning off the sprinklers when it rains, so it’s essential to ensure it’s working correctly.
  • Finally, look for clogged sprinkler heads. Clogging can damage your systems, so check for clogged sprinkler systems over time.

By regularly inspecting and maintaining your sprinkler system, you can keep it running smoothly for years to come. And if you do have a problem, be sure to call a professional for help.

With proper care, your sprinkler system can provide you with years of trouble-free service. But, of course, this will up your lawn care. Also, sprinkler repairs can be tricky. So, you may need professional help.

Let Monsoon Do the Job for You!

Monsoon Irrigation is your one-stop shop for all your irrigation repair service needs. We handle everything from deciding a plan of action to implementing it and making sure that your irrigation system flows as smoothly as possible.

We also provide several services, including installation, repairs, and maintenance. So don’t put it off any longer in the future. Get in touch with us immediately! Our communication lines and excellent service are available for you.


Why You Need the Monsoon Drip Irrigation System Today

As a farmer, you know that irrigation is essential to a successful harvest. But with traditional irrigation methods, like flood irrigation, you can waste a lot of water. That’s where the Monsoon Drip Irrigation System comes in.

This system is a more efficient way to irrigate your crops and can help you save water and money. How? And why do you need this system? Find out below.

What is a Monsoon Drip Irrigation System, and How Does It Work?

Monsoon Irrigation System is a new type of irrigation system with minimal maintenance.

Monsoon Drip Irrigation Systems work by using sprinkler systems to deliver water directly to the roots of plants. This ensures that the plants receive the water they need without being waterlogged.

Moreover, the monsoon season typically lasts from June to September, so this irrigation system is a great help to farmers during this time.

The minimal maintenance required for this system makes it an attractive option for farmers looking for a new irrigation system.

What Is Monsoon Irrigation?

Monsoon irrigation is a job, typically done by lawn care or landscaping professionals, that involves using drip irrigation to apply water and chemicals to yards, properties, and other landscapes.

It is done to keep plants healthy and to repair damage caused by insects, diseases, and other pests.

Monsoon irrigation is also used for agricultural applications. In most cases, Monsoon irrigation is used once a week or once a month.

The process involves using separate filters for each chemical being used and applying the chemicals through the drip irrigation system.

The most commonly used chemicals include fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides.

So, monsoon irrigation is an efficient way to apply these chemicals and can help to keep your lawn or garden looking its best.

Benefits of Using a Monsoon Drip Irrigation System

Here are the top benefits of using the Monsoon Drip Irrigation System:

  • Reduce water usage and improve the overall health of plants. Drip irrigation delivers water directly to the roots of plants, so there is no evaporation or runoff. This means that less water is needed to maintain healthy plants.
  • It can help to reduce the spread of diseases and pests. The slow, steady flow of water delivered by drips does not create the same turbulence as traditional sprinklers.
  • This reduced turbulence means less movement of suspended solids, which can help reduce the spread of disease. In addition, the reduced turbulence also helps to reduce UV degradation, so the water delivered to your plants is of a higher quality.
  • It has a wide flow path cross section and separate filter entrances. This design helps to ensure that you can make repairs quickly and easily without having to shut down the entire system. The wide flow path also allows for a higher degree of customization, so each plant can receive the specific amount of water it needs.
  • Finally, you can be confident in the quality and durability of your investment. When you choose Monsoon, you can be sure that you are choosing a product that will provide many years of service with minimal maintenance requirements.

Reasons to Choose Monsoon Drip Irrigation System

A Monsoon system is a great way to keep your garden or lawn healthy and hydrated during the hot summer. Here are some of the benefits of using Monsoon:

  • It can help to repair any damage that has been caused by the hot sun or by dry conditions.
  • Also, it can help prevent future damage to your plants or lawn.
  • Monsoon also helps to improve the appearance of your property.
  • Our team can help you choose the right monsoon drip irrigation system for your needs and budget.
  • We also specialize in installing drip irrigation systems.
  • Our team has the experience and expertise to finish the job right the first time.
  • A Monsoon system can help to filter out suspended solids, reduce UV degradation, and provide a wide flow path cross-section.
  • It can also help to separate filter entrances, provide consistent turbulence, and reduce clogging.
  • Finally, this system is a great way to keep your plants healthy and hydrated during the hot summer.

How to Operate Your Monsoon Drip Irrigation System


With the Monsoon Drip Irrigation System, you won’t have to water your lawn for hours anymore. This timer-operated system will take care of your lawn watering needs in just 20-30 minutes two to three times a week.

Plus, with the app, you can set the timer and schedule watering from anywhere – talk about convenience! And if you’re curious about how much water you’re using, the app tracking feature will give all the details.

So, you can be confident in the quality and durability of your investment, knowing that you are choosing a product that will provide many years of service with minimal maintenance requirements.

Moreover, our team can help you choose the right monsoon drip irrigation system for your needs and budget.


Here are a few tips for maintaining your system:

  • Check the integrity of your system’s tubing and valves regularly. Ensure there are no cracks or leaks, as these can cause water loss and damage to your plants.
  • Flush out your system at least once a month with clean water. This will help remove any dirt or debris accumulated in the tubing.
  • Inspect your sprinkler heads regularly to make sure that they are providing adequate coverage. Adjust the heads as necessary to ensure that water is evenly distributed across your lawn or garden.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your monsoon drip irrigation system functioning efficiently for years to come.

Monsoon Irrigation Is What You Need!

Besides using less water and saving money, a Monsoon Irrigation system will make your lawn look healthier. Who wouldn’t want that?

You don’t have to take our word for it – give us a call today so we can help you decide on the perfect Monsoon Drip Irrigation System that fits all of your needs. Something as small as this phone call could be what finally gives you the lawn of your dreams!


How to Choose the Right Irrigation System for Your Home

Do you have a green thumb? If so, you know the importance of watering your plants regularly. But what if you’re out of town or on vacation and can’t water them yourself? That’s where a residential irrigation system comes in handy!

There are many different types of irrigation systems available, so how do you choose the right one for your home? In this article, we will discuss the different types of irrigation systems and help you decide which one is best for you.

What is An Irrigation System?

An irrigation system is a series of underground pipes that deliver water to your plants. A timer controls the water, so you can set it to water your plants while you’re away. Irrigation systems can be used for both residential and commercial properties.

Too much or too little water can damage your plants, so choosing the right irrigation system for your needs is essential. An irrigation system can save you time and money by watering your plants automatically. It’s also good for the environment because it reduces water waste.

5 Different Types of Irrigation Systems

Irrigation systems come in all shapes and sizes. Some are designed for small gardens, while others are better suited for more extensive lawns. Some systems can be installed permanently, and those that are portable can be moved around as needed. Here are some of the most common types of irrigation systems:

1. Drip irrigation system

Drip irrigation systems are designed to deliver water directly to the roots of plants. They are very efficient and can be used in small and large gardens. Drip systems can be purchased in kits with all the necessary components or custom-built to fit your specific needs. The advantages of drip systems include lower water bills and less water waste.

2. Sprinkler Irrigation systems

Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying water in which water is distributed through a system of pipes, usually by pump, and delivered to closely spaced sprinklers. The water sprays from the sprinklers and waters the plants. The sprinkler head can be stationary or portable, and the system can be either temporary or permanent.

Sprinkler heads can be rotated or oscillating. The benefits of sprinkler systems include their ability to cover a large area and the fact that they are easy to install. However, they can be expensive, and water waste is a common problem.

3. Center pivot irrigation systems

A centre pivot irrigation system is an overhead sprinkler system. It consists of a metal pipeline mounted on tall towers or A-frames and spans the width of your field. Center pivot systems can irrigate crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, and sorghum. They are also used to water pastures and hay fields.

4. Terraced irrigation systems

Terraced irrigation systems are an excellent option for those with large yards and gardens. This type of system is installed in tiers so that each row of plants receives the appropriate amount of water. This system can be customized to meet the specific needs of your garden. It is an ancient agricultural practice still being used in many parts of the world.

5. Furrow irrigation systems

It is a form of surface irrigation. Water is distributed in a controlled manner through shallow furrows between the crop rows. The main advantage of furrow irrigation over other methods is that it requires less labor and energy. Furrow irrigation systems are well suited for small farms and gardens. They are also suitable for crops that are not very sensitive to waterlogging, such as maize and sorghum.

How to Choose the Right Irrigation System

Now that you know a little bit about the different types of irrigation systems, it’s time to choose the right one for your needs. Here are some factors to consider:

The lawn size of your yard

The lawn size of your yard will determine the type of lawn irrigation system you need. You can get away with a less expensive system if you have a small yard. But if you have a large yard, you’ll need a more powerful system to water all of your plants.

The type of plants in your yard

The type of plants is another important factor to consider. If you have delicate flowers, you’ll need a different type of irrigation system, like a drip system, than someone with a large lawn. Drip systems deliver water directly to the roots of your plants which helps reduce evaporation.

Your water pressure

The water pressure in your home will also affect the type of irrigation system you need. If you have low water pressure, you’ll need a system that can operate with low pressure. But you can choose from various systems if you have high water pressure.

Local rainfall patterns

You’ll also need to consider the rainfall patterns in your area. If it rains where you live, you won’t need an irrigation system that waters your plants as often. But if it doesn’t rain much, you’ll need a system to water your plants more frequently.

Soil type

Soil type is an important consideration when choosing an irrigation system. The soil you have will determine the amount of water your plants need. There are three main types of soils: sandy, loamy, and clay.

  • Sandy – Sandy soil drains quickly and doesn’t hold onto moisture well, so it requires more frequent watering.
  • Loamy – Loamy soil has a good drainage and moisture retention balance, so it doesn’t need to be watered often.
  • Clay – Clay soil drains slowly and holds onto moisture well, requiring less frequent watering.


The cost of the irrigation system is also an important consideration. There are various systems available, and the price will vary depending on the type of system and the features it offers.

So there you have it! These are the main factors to consider when choosing an irrigation system for your home. It’s necessary to do your research to find the best system for your needs. Here at Monsoon Irrigation and Landscape Lighting, we offer a variety of irrigation systems to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more!

Benefits of an Irrigation System

There are many benefits of having an irrigation system in your yard. Here are some of the most notable benefits:

  • It saves you time – One of the biggest benefits of an irrigation system is its time. If you water your plants manually, it can take hours out of your day. But with an irrigation system, you can set it and forget it. The system will water your plants on a schedule, so you don’t have to.
  • It saves you money – It can save you money in the long run. If you water your plants manually, you’re likely using more water than necessary. You can water your plants just the right amount. This can save you money on your water bill.
  • It’s more efficient – An irrigation system is more efficient than manual watering. The system will deliver the water directly to the roots of your plants, so there’s no evaporation. This means your plants will get the water they need without wasting any.
  • It’s more convenient – It’s more convenient than manual watering. You can set the system to water your plants while you’re at work or on vacation. And you don’t have to worry about forgetting to water your plants.

These are just a few of the benefits of an irrigation system. If you’re thinking about getting one for your home, consider all the factors we’ve discussed.

Pro Tip: Benefits of Installing a Commercial Irrigation System

FAQs for Residential Irrigation System

Can I install a sprinkler system myself?

Sprinkler system installation is not recommended for homeowners to attempt themselves. Many factors are involved in a successful installation, from designing the system to ensuring each zone gets the correct amount of water.

DIY sprinkler system installation could result in an inefficient system that uses more water than necessary. A Sprinkler system professionally installed by a licensed landscape contractor will ensure your system is properly designed and installed.

Does lawn sprinkler system installation require a permit?

You may need to obtain a permit before installing a lawn sprinkler system, depending on the size and scope of the project. Check with your local municipality to see if a permit is required. New sprinkler system installation may also require a permit from your homeowner’s association if you have one.


Overall, there is a lot to consider when choosing an irrigation system for your home. However, by taking the time to do your research and figure out what will work best for your yard and budget, you can find the perfect system to keep your lawn looking green and healthy all season long.

Contact us today to learn more about our residential irrigation services. Our team of experts would be happy to help you find the perfect system for your needs.